Saturday, August 21, 2010

What do you do if your boy/girlfriend's friends are ruining your relationship?

i'm talking about that unfortunate circumstance where you don't seem to connect with ANY (or at least the majority) of your girl/boyfriend's friends. and it has happened, to me at least. my boyfriend and i have just started dating (for a month and a half) and since i have to be around his friends all of the time... i want to spend time with him less and less. i know it's not the healthiest way to look at a friends circle, since i should respect the friends he has chosen and try to get along with them as best as i can. i'm really nice to all of them and try to spark conversation, but nethier of them are especially interested in talking to me - and at times just focus on putting me down. :/ has anyone been in this situation before? how do you deal with it?What do you do if your boy/girlfriend's friends are ruining your relationship?
most of the time this problem happens because they feel like you are taking their friend away from them. and most of the time those people are immature, but what you can do is set aside days when you hang out with your friends and he spends time with his friends alone. this will ease some of the tension and it is healthy anywayWhat do you do if your boy/girlfriend's friends are ruining your relationship?
I am in this situation right now, and what I've been doing is ignoring it... its not very helpful, but i don't really know what else there is to do about it than, talking to your bf about what your feeling.

i'll be checking back for answers.

*star for you*
i dont know but u better do somethin cuz it ruined mine

please answer my question, thanks;鈥?/a>
You shouldn't have to sit there and take their crap. Talk to your boyfriend about his friends and see if he can't make them cool it. If not, then you two should hang out without his friends being around.
Tell them to **** off!!! Or tell it to them straight but put up a fight hes/shes yours and let them know that youre not going away!Stay strong the time with your bf/gf is worth it
why are u all hanging out together all the time? an its not for his friends to take interest in you, who cares about wat they think...this guy should be spending time wid u ALONE!

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