- My parents split up last year and my dad moved out. Now they both have new girl/boyfriends and they don't have time for me anymore. They've both changed so much and become so self-involved and self-centred.
- My older brother and sister have both gone to university far from home, and they don't come home very often. I feel like I've been left to deal with my parents separation by myself?
- I don't have many friends, if any. All the 'cool' kids are at a party tonight, that I of course was not invited to. The few friends I have never want to meet up, and always arrange sleepovers and things but I am never invited either. I have no one to talk to or confide in about anything, and I feel so lonely.
- I feel like I look hideous. I hate my teeth, my figure, I don't have any style at all. I am always so self-conscious and embarrassed and i wish i had more self-confidence.
- I'm 15 and I'm the only person that I know that's never had a boyfriend and has never been asked out. My 'friends' have noticed this and have told me so, embarrassing me. There's this guy I really like but he confuses me and i don't think he could ever like me because of how ugly I am.
- I have a lot of exams coming up and I'm really really nervous, but I can't get down to revision as I'm so stressed about everything else, and I'm worried that I'm screwing up my future.
What are the solutions?
I don't feel like there is any.
I'm desperate.
Thanks so much for reading all this.I have so many things bothering me. If you have the time, please help?
I am sorry you feel bad. I know how you feel. But you have to be positive about it all, and think that its for a reason. Do you have a secret talent? Maybe you're a good musician or comedian, or something. Use that to your advantage. You are not ugly, either. No matter what you or others say, everyone is beautiful in their own way. Everybody is nervous about exams, so if you don't do good, its alright. You wont be persecuted for it. Do you have anyone to talk to about your problems? A guidance councellor, perhaps? Find someone who'll listen to you.
I hope you feel better, hun! Happy Holidays! :)I have so many things bothering me. If you have the time, please help?
Here's an idea, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You could be having fun with your friends, including yourself in stuff your mom and dad do, but instead you just act all pitiful. People love you, you're just pushing them away.
Anytime I am angry at the world.I go to Yahoo answers and I answer my heart away, put people as favorite contacts, then after several hours of doing this, I forget my problems....Lose yourself in Yahoo Answers....there's more people like you in here.
Hey 15 is a rough age.
worry about your grades. many times the popular kids don't have a bright future because they spend too much time being popular and not enough time studying.
i don't have any of the same friends that i had in Highschool. Don't even remember many names but i still have the education i received \
sorry about your parents. express your feelings to them if you haven't already. if you get no emotional support from them then it is up to U to emotionally support yourself ( sounds hard but as you get older you will understand)
remember. Change the things you can (grades) and don't worry too much about the things you cant (';friends, B/f';s etc)
I was once like you. I am now 30 and much happier as I am grown out of the difficult teenage years. I do not think that these people are friends. I think that your low self esteem comes from these people chicken pecking at you. You are 15, plenty of time for boys, these girls will prob end up pregnant young. I suggest you get involved in sports, horse riding etc, good ,positive hobbies. Get a pet, excercise will help you and your body and self esteem. You do not need to have style so much, read teen magazines and look at the clothers there and get simular ones. I think getting hair style change would be good for you and do not let these girls get you down. get a good education like what I did, it is the best revenge to do well
Wow you just described myself at 15. I am 26 now and believe me, it gets better, I promise, but you have to work it up. My parents were not divorced, but my dad was cheating on my mom for many years and it was horrible to go home every day. I had LOTS of acne, I was waaaay too skinny, and my teeth were horrible. I never had a boyfriend until I was 16, but I made the mistake of dating him only to 篓be篓with someone. Guess what? I ended up sticking with the same guy for 6 years, until I gathered all my guts and broke up with him. Anyway, some tips that helped me:
- Friends can mock each other in a friendly way, but if it hurts you dont stay shut. Tell them you dont appreciate that or fight back with some mocking too. I am sure they are not perfect either and have their insecurities.
- If they dont invite you to sleepovers or parties, you invite them to your house. Im sure now there s more room now your siblings and dad are away. Plan a fun party or sleepover and take pictures. Then they can see how fun you are and will invite you over.
- Expand your guy-pool to other environments other than school. How about the skating board rink? The park? The mall? Some group? Your neighborhood? Siblings or Friends of your friends? Online (careful with this)? About the guy with the confusing signals, throw some obvious signals to him once or twice, but if he doesnt ask you to prom or to go on a date, forget him and move on.
- I never understood why you had to have a date to go to prom. When I was single I went to ALL parties of school and danced away with any guy who was there. Later I went with the boyfriend I told you. If I was you I would still go to prom by myself or with another girlfriend without date.
- If you hate your teeth, ask your parents to take you to the dentist and maybe get some braces. I had them for a year and a half and believe me it DOES help after you see your teeth straighten up. If they dont want to pay for it, save money, ask for bday money, etc. to get braces. Although I warn you, braces HURT a lot. Be completely sure that you have major problems before going for the braces. I know I did!
- Why they dont confide on you? Did you blew a secret of someone once or made somehting to loose their confidence on you? If so, apologize. Sh%26amp;it happens and everyone deserves a 2nd chance, but they prob. dont know if you dont say it. Again, offer to sit with your friends or help them with something, participate in the conversations, dont gossip...
-Go shopping with a girl-friend. If you dont have a lot of money you can go to a thrift store or ross. Shopping is fun with girls. Search online what type of body you have and what kind of clothes look best with you. Dont be slutty but be femenine and fun. Dont be afraid of use padding here and there. I did so and it worked wonders! Makeup is fun too and you can play with it.
-Get a hobby: a sport that you like, reading, sewing, games, videogames, something that you identify with.
-Talk with your school counselor... I never had one at my school and really wish I had.
-Study for your tests and take one at a time. You dont win anything by worryiing for them. If you need help, ask for a tutor.
-And finnally, you are special!! Go to events, try to feel comfortable around people in general, enjoy life now that you are young and dont have real money problems. You can email me whenever for more advice from real life pnlop22@yahoo.com
I am so sorry you are going through all of this...I remember High School and it was not fun...especially if you were not in the in crowd. Kids can be so cruel. You just have to remember that High School is not the real world - I met all my best friends in College. It is hard when parents get divorced and have a new romance - you are right they tend to become self absorbed for while - I would try talking to one of them - let them know how lonely you are. I am sure they think everything is fine - parents seem to blame moodiness on general teenager behavior sometimes forgetting that you may be in real pain. I would also try talking to your guidance counselor - they can really help, plus like you said you need someone to talk to and that is what they are there for. They are also know other kids in your shoes - you are not alone - you just have to reach out to someone weather it is your parents, older siblings or a counselor.
Life as a teenager for me was really hard too. Trust me when I say there is life beyond high school. I thought I was ugly and fat, but looking back now I so wasn't and the reason no guys talked to me was because I was super shy cuz of my low self asteem.
As for you parents... there is no cure all for that. Just bare threw it hon and you will be stronger at the end.
If you would like to talk feel free to e-mail me at angelawri03@yahoo.com
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