Hey everyone please help. there is a girl that i have very strong feelings for but she has a boyfriend.?
this girl already said she likes me and she is confused. her boyfriend is an abusive jealouse dick. and judging by what she sais she will dump him soon to be with me. can i get some advice here on how to make this process smoother and to ensure that it works in my favor. or just any advice would help. thanks!!Hey everyone please help. there is a girl that i have very strong feelings for but she has a boyfriend.?
TELL HER, it sound as if she likes you. Youve got nothing to lose act now or regret later.
Good Luck.
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?鈥?/a>Hey everyone please help. there is a girl that i have very strong feelings for but she has a boyfriend.?
Just be there for her when she is sad and stuff, like when she needs to talk to someone after her and her boyfriend have had a fight.. However, make sure you don't between them, let them breakup because of each other, not because of you.. So, give her space as well..
if hes mean to her and finds out your trying to take her away, hes probably going to come after you if you make your presence known. So let her sort it out with her boyfriend and hopefully they break up, you can't make her break up with him you just have to sit back and be patient. Eventually they will break up, the amount of time it takes to do that varies from relationship to relationship though. Just be supportive to her and show her how happy she will be with you and how you'll take care of her properly.
Hope it all works out
she could just be using you as an excuse to get away from the b/f.
if she's not happy, anything will be better than what she has one day she will wake up and realise that maybe your not what she wants after all, but you were there for her when she needed you!
so what, go on tell her that you love her, and let her decide,
Tip - Gift her flowers daily, start with Pink roses, then gradually she be yours one day!
You must like drama... otherwise, you'd already have moved on. It sounds like this girl is only happy with a dramatic issue and a lot of attention. I see it happen all too often... move on
Never ever be the rebound guy because she'll do the same thing to you later on, as soon as things don't go her way you'll be dumped too. Start off being her friend and give her time to heal from the pain and emotional stress this last guy has put her through. I use to be the queen of rebounding and in the end the guy that I rebounded to got dumped for someone else, I didn't stop doing that until I took 5mos. off from dating and rebound sex. Now I've met a wonderful guy and the problems from my past relationships never come up.
Stay out of it until she brakes up with him.
Be cool with her. And try to help her. Tell her she is better than that, and deserves u over that abusive asshole. The best strategy, is to give it some time. She just needs to build up to leaving him. She'll do it sooner or later.
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