Saturday, August 21, 2010

I hope I'm speaking for all teens when I ask ';why the hell do you hate us so much??';?

Before I get into this I'm not going to lie, it's long... I hope I've broken it up well, so feel free to skim it, in fact, it would be much appreciated if you did. Thanks.

So. I'm 14, almost 15. I walk around the mall with my friends and I get dirty looks. My teachers assume I'm stupid and I don't care (but honestly if the teacher doesn't give a crap about me I'm not too likely to 'do my best' in that subject). Oh, and God forbid I text someone, it's automatically perceived as if I'm the devil or something!

If you think about it, sure, there are a lot of teens who are complete screw-ups, lets say there are 10 that you know of. Along with that 10 comes the 990 that are perfectly normal, respectful, happy citizens.

But why would you care about those normal ones? The media just gets this insane high of exploiting the few wrongs so that they seem to be the norm. THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! But, be honest, if you're an adult you probably still assume it. And, if your a mother, you definitely believe that. I'm not gonna lie most of us rebel against our mothers, and are embarrassed about them and act kinda weird around them. Why we do it, I'm not even sure, but when we are with our friends, or just with family and no friends, we're pretty decent people. Sometimes we just prioritize our friends more. Maybe it's because we know, no matter what, our families will always love us, and our friends... especially being a girl... won't. They just help us get through some things, but they are gone in a second. Just like that.

And it's ironic. They stereotypical teenaged girl is slutty, wears too much makeup, revealing clothing, fails all her classes and is always pissed at someone. The stereotypical teenaged boy is either a punk or a hot arrogant jerk. Those descriptions are pretty good, but they really only define the people they are like.

It's also ironic that during the presidential campaign, ACORN was going on the streets and everywhere and telling stupid, uneducated people to vote, vote, vote for Obama. But, I am a much more informed citizen then they are, and I can see the big picture. And you know what, I would have voted for McCain. And I think the Stimulus Package was completely asinine. Because, when it doesn't work, how the hell are we supposed to pay that back? But, that's beside the point. Either way, most of us are pretty damn smart and should be given a lot more respect.

I could name a couple of charities started by people my age. I have friends who volunteer out of the kindness of their hearts and help other people. Most teens have jobs where most adults don't. And, on top of it all, most screwed up teens become screwed up adults. Happy, normal teens don't become screwed up adults, they become respected members of society. You. You're probably just a normal, respected adult. And, you know what, sure, you made mistakes, that's just part of life. But, you weren't a bad teenager. You weren't taking nude pictures of yourself and giving them to your girl/boyfriend. You weren't always mad at the world, walking around like no one matters. And if you were, are you a decent, happy person now?

Just think about it. Feel free to say whatever, I don't care if you think I'm ignorant or what. I'm honest, I'm smart, I'm a little overrun with emotions, but I also have a pretty good handle on what I'm talking about and check back because I will respond to each and every answer, whether I agree or disagree. Thank you for your time, God Bless :)I hope I'm speaking for all teens when I ask ';why the hell do you hate us so much??';?
You know, I have 3 teenagers , well including all their friends, about 50. But I love teenagers!!! Their ideas are fresh and new, their fashion statements are so cool, and they are so full of life. Don't pay attention to all the hype. There are still grown ups out here that respect and love you!!I hope I'm speaking for all teens when I ask ';why the hell do you hate us so much??';?
umm i guess i kinda get where ur coming from. ppl stereotype us waaaay to much.
I felt the same way when I was your age. And its even worse if your young and successful. I bought a home at 18, married at 19, was making 125K by 22 and owned my own business by 25. And you would not imagine the people that talk trash and still think I'm too young. Hello I was further in my like than some 30 year olds before I was even legal to drink. So just hang in there and eventually we will get the respect we deserve.

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